Steamed Cauliflower

Steamed Cauliflower

17th Jan 2023


I head of cauliflower (cut into florets)

6 tsp of fresh herbs (we like parsley, dill, tarragon, basil)

1 half squeezed lemon

sea salt

black pepper

3 tbsp of fresh robust extra virgin olive oil

*optional-chili flakes


Cut cauliflower into florets and set aside

Chop all herbs and set aside

Squeeze lemon into small mixing bowl, add olive oil, sea salt and pepper to taste, and emulsify

We used a microwave to steam our cauliflower in a bowl covered with plastic wrap. Add florets to bowl and 1/2 cup of tap water, cover and cook for about 5 minutes depending on your microwave. 

Remove from microwave and drain water, add herbs, olive oil viniagrette, and toss. 

Makes about 4 servings